Season 2
August 17, 2022 | Episode 34, Season 2

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD
In today’s Part 2 episode, we continue the conversation with CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services expert, Dr. Glen Elliot. If you are a parent of a child with ADHD, you’ll be glad to hear that “there truly is light at the end of the tunnel.” Persistent, loving, unconditional support, effective interventions and adapting to your child’s evolving needs can lead to really positive outcomes. Dr. Elliot speaks with experience on all fronts: as an accomplished researcher, writer and practitioner on the subject, and the parent of an adult son with ADHD. Listen today as he shares his wisdom on the different types of ADHD, behavioral interventions, medication considerations and other strategies for supporting your unique child.
August 10, 2022 | Episode 33, Season 2

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD and Natalie Pon, MD
In today’s Part 2 podcast episode, we continue the conversation with CHC’s Catherine T. Harvey Center for Clinical Services experts, Dr. Glen Elliott and Dr. Natalie Pon, on the topic of young children and anxiety. Anxiety in young children is pervasive, and the start of the school year can be nerve-racking for kids and parents alike. Join us as we delve into school-related strategies––socialization, setting expectations, identifying emotions and utilizing play––to set your young child up for success. Listen now (and don’t forget to go back and catch Part 1 if you missed it!)
May 25, 2022 | Episode 32, Season 2

with Grace Gengoux, PhD, BCBA-D and Ramsey Khasho, PSyD
In proud partnership with Common Ground, a locally renowned speaker series for over 15,000 families in over 40 schools, we are excited to bring you this Voices of Compassion podcast episode. While Common Ground is primarily a parent education consortium, this conversation is specifically targeted to mental health professionals in schools and beyond. We’ve all heard the self-care metaphor for parents: “put your own oxygen mask on first.” But this is just as critical for mental health providers: your own well-being is essential to providing positive outcomes for your students and clients. Listen into this eye-opening conversation with Dr. Grace Gengoux, Clinical Professor and the Well-being Director within Stanford University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Dr. Ramsey Khasho, Chief Clinical Officer at CHC, as they share self-care strategies for those in a position to care for others.
May 18, 2022 | Episode 31, Season 2

with Tracy Cavaligos, PsyD
Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of teens who reported having “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” rose from 26 percent to 37 percent and, in 2021, to 44 percent. Further, research shows that 1 in 5 youth in distress felt that they didn’t have someone they could turn to in a crisis. How can we let our teens know we’re here for them and protect them from significant mental health challenges? How do we know what to say, or even where to begin? In today’s podcast episode, CHC clinical services expert, Dr. Tracy Cavaligos shares myriad tips and takeaways for talking to our teens about mental health.
May 10, 2022 | Episode 30, Season 2

with Karly Crockett, LCSW and Audrey Schield, ASW
We often talk about building self-awareness in our kids, but what about in ourselves, as parents and caregivers? The better we understand our own complexities, the more wholeheartedly we can show up for our children. In fact, research shows that when a parent understands themselves better, the child has better overall life outcomes. In today’s podcast episode, CHC Clinical Services experts Audrey Schield, Bilingual Associate Social Worker and Karly Crockett, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, share self-awareness stories and strategies for more present and intentional parenting.
May 3, 2022 | Episode 29, Season 2

with Dr. Patrice Crisostomo and Annemarie Kelleghan
Children often experience a rollercoaster of emotions, even on a good day. But prolonged symptoms of sadness, irritability, short-temper, change in eating or sleeping habits or lost concentration or interest could be signs of depression. How do you know what’s normal and what’s cause for concern? Today’s podcast episode features CHC Clinical Services experts, Dr. Patrice Crisostomo, Clinical Program Manager and Psychologist and Annemarie Kelleghan, Doctoral Psychology Intern, sharing insights, expertise and important reminders: depression is treatable, early intervention is key, and you are not alone.
April 19, 2022 | Episode 28, Season 2

with Vidya Krishnan, MD
Growing up is a process of moving toward independence, becoming your own person and meeting your own needs. “Launching” refers to the parental role in their child’s transition into adulthood. This process looks different for everyone — a bumpier or more meandering path for some than others. So how can you best prepare your child for a smooth launch? In today’s podcast episode, CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Dr. Vidya Krishnan, shares keen wisdom and practical takeaways for supporting your child now for life on their own, while instilling the confidence that they’ll need to fly.
April 13, 2022 | Episode 27, Season 2

with Seema Motwani, OTR/L and Gina G. Baldi, MEd
The CDC and National Health Statistics Reports estimate that there is a 1-2% chance of a child being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the rates for boys are higher than that for girls. So, if your child has just been diagnosed with autism, you are not alone. In today’s podcast episode, CHC experts Seema Motwani, Occupational Therapist and Gina Baldi, Parent Trainer in our Early Support Program for Autism (ESPA) tell us where to turn for services, therapies and support. Best of all, they remind us that an autism diagnosis doesn’t change who our child is or what they’re capable of. (Hint: anything).
April 5, 2022 | Episode 26, Season 2

with Christa Johnson, PsyD and Jessica Shankman, MA
Anxiety is a healthy emotion, except when it’s not. Experiencing anxiety can be just what we need to finish a project or task, or deal with a stressful situation. But it can also be overwhelming and debilitating. In today’s podcast episode, CHC experts Jessica Shankman, MA, Doctoral Psychology Intern, and Christa Johnson, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist help us understand what’s normal and when to worry. Don’t miss this important conversation, covering everything from the differences between stress and anxiety, warning signs and behaviors, the mental health impacts of the pandemic and how to know when to seek help.
March 23, 2022 | Episode 25, Season 2

with Liberty Hebron, LPCC and Audrey Schield, ASW
Parenting is really an art — of balancing being there with letting go. Can your children navigate the world on their own? Will they ever stop needing you and will you ever stop worrying about them? Don’t miss today’s podcast episode featuring two CHC experts — Liberty Hebron, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Audrey Schield, Bilingual Associate Social Worker — as they share a three-step model for weathering all sorts of parenting “storms.”
March 16, 2022 | Episode 24, Season 2

with Erin Concepcion Hoolihan, PsyD
Our brains develop from the back to the front. The prefrontal cortex — important for impulse control, managing emotions, planning, organization and finishing tasks — is the last to develop, and is not fully mature until our mid-twenties. How does this impact teen behavior and decision making and how can parents make sure we still matter? Don’t miss today’s inspiring episode featuring CHC’s own Dr. Erin Hoolihan, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, as she explains how parents can tap into, connect with, be understanding of and provide a safe haven for our teens and their developing brains.
March 8, 2022 | Episode 23, Season 2

with Alexa Wilmarth, PMHNP-BC
Data shows that calls to the helpline for the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) increased 40% in the first year of the pandemic. Sometimes symptoms might fly under the radar or be dismissed as ‘just a phase,’ but the shame, guilt and health complications associated with eating disorders are risks we can’t ignore. On today’s podcast episode, we sit down with CHC’s own Alexa Wilmarth, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, who has worked with adolescents with eating disorders in both outpatient and residential treatment settings. Listen today as Alexa shares warning signs, insights, co-occurring mental health disorders and advice for parents on this timely topic.
March 2, 2022 | Episode 22, Season 2

with Pardis Khosravi, PsyD and Ann Lyke, MEd
We receive lots of questions from parents about evaluations: Does my child need one? Or should we just start treatment? An evaluation by a psychologist or a multidisciplinary team can be a valuable tool in understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide a roadmap for next steps. It can reveal whether what seems like distraction, laziness or reluctance could actually be a sign of mental health or learning challenges. In today’s podcast episode, CHC experts Dr. Pardis Khosravi, Clinical Director and Psychologist and Ann Lyke, Educational Therapist, share their professional perspectives on everything from the differences between evaluation types to how to talk to your child about the results.
February 16, 2022 | Episode 21, Season 2

with Shirit Megiddo, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL and Kharyl Anne Piano, MS CCC-SLP
A lack of socialization over the past two years has a lot of parents worried about their children’s language development. In fact, one of the most viewed articles in our online Resource Library right now focuses on speech delays in young children during COVID. How do we know when our kids should be progressing from first words to full sentences? Have masks and social distancing affected typical language development? Where should we turn if we’re concerned? Today’s podcast guests — two CHC Speech and Language Pathologists, Shirit Megiddo, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-CL and Kharyl Anne Piano, MS CCC-SLP — will put these questions to rest and share ideas to foster healthy language development at home.
February 9, 2022 | Episode 20, Season 2

with Sarah Knepper, MEd
Do you ever wonder if your child might be missing some key developmental milestones? Are you seeing some behaviors or delays that give you cause for concern? As a parent, it can be hard to know where to turn and how to figure out next steps. In today’s podcast episode, I sat down with Sarah Knepper, MEd, Educational Services Manager at EBC School and the mother of two young boys, one with disabilities. Sarah shares her parenting journey — from the initial “pit in my stomach” and the shame she felt on the playground, to the validation of a diagnosis and finding the right supports for her son. Sarah’s perspective as both a mom and an educator is filled with “aha” moments, compassion and authenticity.
February 1, 2022 | Episode 19, Season 2

with Julie Lythcott-Haims and Sawyer Lythcott-Haims
Parenting expert, author and educator, Julie Lythcott-Haims is well-known for her words of wisdom and encouragement. But in today’s podcast episode — for the first time — we are invited to listen in on a heart-to-heart conversation between Julie and her 22-year-old son Sawyer, about his journey with ADHD and their family’s road to acceptance. Sawyer bravely shares stories of his diagnosis, his anxiety, his decision to take a year off from college and the importance of his parents’ understanding. We hear Julie, not just as an expert, but as a mom in the moment, discussing the mistakes she’s made along the way, what she’s learned and how she and her partner are finally becoming the “parents their son deserves.” This is one you won’t want to miss — it’s special from start to finish.
January 20, 2022 | Episode 18, Season 2

with Nicole Ofiesh, PhD
The last couple of years have been all about adapting to meet evolving and elusive protocols. For students with learning differences, the shifts from online learning to hybrid to in-person (and back) have made a part of their life that is already challenging exceedingly more difficult. Adaptation is a key aspect of Executive Functioning, which can be lacking in those with learner variability. In today’s podcast episode, we sat down with Dr. Nicole Ofiesh, Director of the Schwab Learning Center at CHC, about strategies students can use to build Executive Functioning skills in high school, college and beyond.
January 13, 2022 | Episode 17, Season 2

with Callie Turk and Vivien Keil, PhD
Parenting is never easy, but raising a child with exceptional talents who also struggles with learning differences (such as autism, ADHD or dyslexia) is even more complex. This combination of giftedness and challenges — known as twice exceptional (2e) — creates a confusing picture for parents and educators. It can be difficult to see the signs of 2e because it looks different in every child. Their strengths can mask their challenges and their challenges can mask their strengths. Today we talk with Callie Turk, a parent of a 2e child and Dr. Vivien Keil, neuropsychologist, about the journey of understanding and parenting these unique and extraordinary kids.
January 6, 2022 | Episode 16, Season 2

with Jennifer Leydecker, LMFT
It’s hard to imagine, but essential to talk about. While we shudder to think of our teens injuring themselves intentionally, cutting and other forms of self-harm are on the rise, affecting 1 in 12 youth and increasing 99% during the pandemic. In today’s episode, we welcome back Jennifer Leydecker, LMFT to the podcast, to discuss what self-harm looks like in adolescents and how to validate their hurt while encouraging healthier coping strategies. As Clinical Program Manager and Clinician at the RISE Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Jennifer is an expert at helping teens regulate big emotions in a nonjudgmental way.
December 16, 2021 | Episode 15, Season 2

with Anne Mellenthin & Grae Mellenthin
We hear more about gender expression these days than we used to. Yet it’s rare to hear a raw, firsthand account about what it really feels like when your gender identity doesn’t match your biological gender — from shame and stigma to self-awareness and acceptance. In this episode, we hear from a trans adult and his mom as they share their inspiring journey. We talk about body dysmorphia, mental health issues, determination, self-acceptance and transitioning. Ultimately, theirs is a love story between mother and son, and son and self that applies to us all.
December 9, 2021 | Episode 14, Season 2

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD and Natalie Pon, MD
Young children typically experience some degree of fear — of separation, the dark, strangers, loud noises and new experiences. But how do we know when it’s something more and prevent these fears from interfering with our children’s daily lives? In this podcast episode, we chat with two child and adolescent psychiatrists, Dr. Natalie Pon and Dr. Glen Elliott, to discuss the various ways anxiety presents in young children, what is typical vs. troubling and the role of play in managing fear. Parents and caregivers of children under 6 will find our conversation especially relevant.
December 2, 2021 | Episode 13, Season 2

with Lauren Barry Sims
In this episode, we talk candidly about what parenting a child with ADHD is really like — the challenges, joys, worries and wonder. How do you know when it’s time to get help? Is medication necessary? What kind of impact will your child’s behavior have on the rest of the family? While we may sometimes wish that our kids came with an instruction manual, remember that you are doing the best you can and so is your child. And you are not alone. Tune in today to hear from Lauren Sims, the mom of a child with ADHD, as she shares her real-life personal journey filled with encouragement, empathy and strategies to set your child up for success.
November 18, 2021 | Episode 12, Season 2

with Glen R. Elliott, PhD, MD
Your child has just been diagnosed with ADHD…now what? Part of you might feel relieved that there’s an explanation for your child’s behavior, while another might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of parenting a child with attention challenges. ADHD is a lifelong journey filled with wonderful surprises and extraordinary obstacles. How can you best equip your child for happiness and success? In today’s podcast episode, one of CHC’s foremost and beloved ADHD experts, Dr. Glen Elliott, offers sage advice as both a parent and a professional. You’ll walk away with valuable insights, practical suggestions and evidence-based words of encouragement.
November 10, 2021 | Episode 11, Season 2

with Jennifer Salomon, OTD, OTR/L
It seems like everyone is talking about mindfulness these days. A quick Google search results in 9 Ways to Practice Mindfulness, 16 Types of Meditation and 28 Ways to Practice Mindfulness for Beginners. There is so much out there. So what is mindfulness, really, and does it even make a difference? Do I have to empty my head of all my thoughts, and sit cross-legged on the floor in a zen-like state? Listen in to this podcast episode as we talk with Jennifer Salomon, Occupational Therapist at CHC about the physiology of mindfulness and practical ways to be more present (even for skeptics). Because “as soon as we tune in and recognize that we're not being mindful, we're already being mindful.”
November 4, 2021 | Episode 10, Season 2

with Nicole Ofiesh, PhD
The transition from high school to college is a rite of passage, a benchmark between parent and child. While exciting, balancing academic demands with the sudden need to be independent can feel daunting, especially for students with learning differences. How can you as a parent best prepare them while they’re still under your wing? In this podcast episode, we sat down with Dr. Nicole Ofiesh, Director of the Schwab Learning Center at CHC, as she shared wisdom from her 30 years in the field. She covers everything from resilience and self-advocacy to electronic calendars and on-campus support systems, reminding us that, above all, “it always comes back to love and compassion.”
October 20, 2021 | Episode 9, Season 2

with Vivien Keil, PhD and Lisa Parnello, MEd
A dyslexia diagnosis can be bittersweet: in some ways, it might help explain your child’s struggles in school and their anxieties about falling behind. But finding the right supports for your child is daunting, and you can't help but worry about the long-term impacts on their happiness, confidence and success. In today’s podcast episode, we sat down with CHC’s Lisa Parnello, MEd and Dr. Vivien Keil, both of whom have devoted their lives to evaluating, educating and advocating for children who learn differently. Listen today to learn how to partner with your child’s school to ensure appropriate accommodations, how to talk to your child about their diagnosis, and pro tips for fostering strengths and finding support.
October 13, 2021 | Episode 8, Season 2

with Jody M. Miller, EdD, BCBA
Whether your child just doesn’t want to go to bed at night, or is defiant to anything and everything, Dr. Jody Miller, Head of Esther B. Clark Schools at CHC and Board Certified Behavior Analyst, has seen it all. In today’s podcast episode, Dr. Miller shares her top three go-to strategies for challenging behavior. From positive reinforcement to consequences and consistency, you’ll learn new tools to try at home and when to reach out for help. Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Miller shares her own experience parenting children with challenging behavior, reminding us that “it will improve.” Listen today!
October 7, 2021 | Episode 7, Season 2

with Joan Baran, PhD
From the minute we become parents, we start fixating on sleep — are our babies getting enough? Too much? Will they ever sleep through the night? Will we? It’s a hot topic because we know how critical it is for healthy development, both mental and physical. As our kids turn to teens, we may monitor their sleep less, but it doesn’t become less important to their wellbeing and academic performance. Teens can face many impediments to consistent, restorative sleep, including stress, with an estimated 70-75% of teens getting less than the recommended 8 hours per night. In this podcast episode, we sat down with two CHC experts — Dr. Joan Baran, Clinical Director at CHC, and Deepika Bose, Doctoral Psychology Intern — to learn strategies for helping your teen develop healthy sleep habits. You may even want to try some yourself!
September 22, 2021 | Episode 6, Season 2

with Katherine Reeves, PMHNP-BC
It can be hard to imagine talking with your teen about suicide. But given that it is the second leading cause of death among young people, it makes sense to be prepared to have that conversation. How can we as parents create a safe, nonjudgmental space where our teens feel comfortable talking about hard things? How do we know when to worry and how to get help? Join us for today’s podcast episode, where we talk with two CHC experts, Katie Reeves, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and Jason Tinero, Doctoral Psychology Intern, to hear what all parents should know about teen suicide.
September 15, 2021 | Episode 5, Season 2

with Jenn Curtis, MSW
The journey is where we all learn to do hard things. We make mistakes, experience successes (and failures), develop resilience, practice growth mindset and build self-confidence. As parents, if we focus on the destination — winning the race, acing the SATs or getting into the “right” college — our children miss out on all those experiences that serve as the building blocks to social emotional growth. In this podcast episode, we sat down with Jenn Curtis, MSW, co-author of The Parent Compass, to learn strategies that you can use to support your child on their journey towards self-advocacy, acceptance and exploration. Listen now!
September 8, 2021 | Episode 4, Season 2

with Tony Cepeda, LMFT and Liberty Hebron, LPCC
We are all different. As parents and caregivers, it’s important to teach our kids how differences enrich our lives and enhance our communities. How can you help them value diversity and see it as a strength? In today’s podcast episode, CHC experts Tony Cepeda, LMFT and Liberty Hebron, LPCC explain how to encourage an open dialogue with your kids, model curiosity and respect, embrace each other’s differences and create a culture of belonging.
September 1, 2021 | Episode 3, Season 2

with Kimm Angel
From panic attacks to self-harm, one brave mom shares her story of supporting her daughter with anxiety and depression. When you’re worried about your child, your days revolve around gathering the resources and help that they need. But what about you? Your emotions as a parent may exacerbate your own mental health challenges, and raise feelings of self-doubt or blame. Don’t miss our conversation with Kimm Angel, as she shares strategies for supporting your child (and yourself), what she knows now and what she wishes she knew then.
August 25, 2021 | Episode 2, Season 2

with Natalie Pon, MD
Starting kindergarten is both exciting and scary — for children and their parents. Young children thrive when they feel comfortable, safe and secure. But it can be challenging to help your child feel prepared when everything feels so uncertain right now. What can you do to make the leap less worrisome and more fun? Listen in to today’s podcast episode with our guest, Dr. Natalie Pon, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at CHC, as she reminds us that — in addition to learning letters and numbers — the real growth that occurs in kindergarten is the development of social emotional skills through play.
August 18, 2021 | Episode 1, Season 2

with Christopher Harris, MEd and Kendra Evans Fraka, MSW
You’re getting ready to go back to school, or maybe you already have. You know it’s going to be different, but you’re not sure how different or what to expect. How can you as a parent help to prepare your child and set expectations that will provide the foundation to start the school year off on the right foot? Listen in to this podcast conversation with Chris Harris, Chief Education Officer at CHC and Kendra Fraka, licensed social worker and social/emotional lead at Sand Hill School, as they share their experience and expertise on this topic.