All Episodes
February 25, 2021 | Episode 20, Season 1

with Kimm Angel
Currently, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the only well-established, evidence-based treatment for self-harming adolescents at high risk for suicide. In today’s podcast episode, hear one mom’s brave story of helping her teenage daughter through panic attacks, PTSD and self-harming behaviors using DBT skills like mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness and communication, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance. We are so grateful that she is willing to share her life-changing journey with us.
February 18, 2021 | Episode 19, Season 1

with Christopher Harris, MEd
After nearly a year of remote learning, parents have a window into their child’s learning style like never before. As a parent, you may have observed some behaviors that make you wonder: does my child have a learning or attention difference or is it just Zoom-fatigue? We sat down with Chris Harris, MEd, an expert in learning, social-emotional, behavioral and attention challenges, to find out. In today’s podcast episode, Chris tells us what behaviors might be cause for concern and offers concrete action steps to support and advocate for your child.
February 11, 2021 | Episode 18, Season 1

with Patrice Crisostomo, PhD and Leeanne Merritt, LCSW
Let’s face it. Life can be painful. While we can’t avoid pain, our resistance to accept reality only exacerbates our suffering. In this podcast episode, we sat down with Patrice Cristosomo, PhD and Leeanne Merritt, LCSW, to discuss the power of Radical Acceptance – a practice that involves letting go of the illusion of control and developing a willingness to accept things as they are right now.
February 4, 2021 | Episode 17, Season 1

with Callie Turk and Yael Valek
What does 2e look like, and how can you best leverage the strengths and interests of your 2e child during distance learning? In today’s episode, Resilience and Engagement for Every Learner (REEL) founders and parents of 2e kids, Callie Turk and Yael Valek, share the joys and silver linings of flexible learning for 2e students.
January 28, 2021 | Episode 16, Season 1

with Katherine Reeves, PMHNP-BC
How do you even start the college conversation without your child shutting down or storming off? In today’s episode, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Katie Reeves, shares communication strategies for launching meaningful discussions with your teens about college, COVID, mental health, and more.
January 21, 2021 | Episode 15, Season 1

with Pardis Khosravi, PsyD
As a parent in a pandemic, you feel like you have to be superhuman or you’re not doing enough. The reality is that if you can be kinder to yourself, you will also be happier, more resilient and compassionate with others. In today’s episode, Pardis Khosravi, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist at CHC, shares three key steps toward self-compassion.
January 14, 2021 | Episode 14, Season 1

with Jody M. Miller, MEd, BCBA
Distance learning is hard, even for kids without emotional or behavioral challenges. Not to mention the strain on parents working remotely while trying to support their child’s at-home education. We sat down with behavioral expert Jody Miller, MEd, BCBA, to hear her best strategies for promoting and positively reinforcing good behavior, as well as what steps to take when your child is struggling.
January 6, 2021 | Episode 13, Season 1

with Cindy Lopez
Today’s podcast highlights a few favorite excerpts from some of our previous episodes, including Top 3 Mindfulness Strategies to Reduce Stress (Episode 5), Best Strategies for ADHD & Distance Learning (Episodes 8 & 9), Family Dynamics While Sheltering in Place (Episode 11) and more. We hope it brings a smile to your face and perhaps even makes you want to go back and listen to the episodes that resonate most.
December 17, 2020 | Episode 12, Season 1

with Cindy Lopez, Liza Bennigson and Mike Navarrete
This is a holiday season like no other. It can be hard to feel festive in the absence of friends and loved ones. As we all hunker down in our own homes, it may seem lonely or insular, but there are still so many ways to find (and share) holiday cheer!
December 9, 2020 | Episode 11, Season 1

with Jennifer Leydecker, LMFT
We are all feeling the strain of living, working and schooling under one roof. It is a challenging time for families – if there has ever been a need for compassion, it certainly is now. We sat down with Jennifer Leydecker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Clinical Program Manager at CHC, to get her expert advice on ways to reduce stress and add compassion to your family dynamic. Spoiler alert: take care of yourself first!
December 2, 2020 | Episode 10, Season 1

with Tony Cepeda, LMFT
While most young people have been spared from the severe physical effects of COVID-19, our children are reeling from the anxiety, fear and isolation the pandemic has caused. What are the best ways for you as a parent to support your child’s mental health? In this podcast, hear from Tony Cepeda, LMFT, who has over 30 years of experience helping families learn creative coping strategies to foster resilience and connectedness.
November 25, 2020 | Episode 9, Season 1

with Glen Elliott, PhD, MD
Distance learning is a challenge for us all, especially those with learning and attention issues. In this episode, we continue our conversation with CHC’s Chief Psychiatrist & Medical Director, Dr. Glen Elliott, and learn strategies to help kids with ADHD mitigate distractions and maximize the motivation to learn. Be sure to catch Part I of this episode if you haven’t already!

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